
I want to start a few new habits so I'm going to list them here for accountability. I hope that by listing a few that I'll be more mindful and they will become part of my daily/weekly life.

1. Talk a daily walk.
While taking a walk seems easy, I find that I have given myself the easy, lazy way out everyday. I love being outside, yet I am usually inside watching Netflix. Having a baby has worsened my laziness, because it's easier to sit inside and not having to get the stroller and everything you need to prepare to go for a walk. It's really not much as I sit and think about why it's so hard, but that's where my mental block has been. So, here's me telling myself to go take a walk.

2. Netflix - STOP
I do love a good series, but seriously. I realize this is another habit of mine that worsened with Archer. We have spent a lot of time on the couch watching tv during feedings or naps. Well, he is getting more active now and wants/needs more attention and I love it so I have found myself getting tired of watching tv in the afternoons. So, stop watching 7 episodes back to back and go for a walk instead.

3. Blogging
I love when my blog has life and is thriving. It brings me out of my shell and gives me a creative outlet when I might not have one otherwise. I find that my creativity is heightened and I start craving life, color, beautiful things... I want to make, design and breath in all the beauty. So, here's another shot at making this blog what it could be. How about we just start a weekly post to catch up on Archer and all the pretty things I see through out the week?

4. Phone calls
I need to make a few phone calls a week to catch up with friends, to cultivate old and new friends. This is something that has really taken a backseat. I miss my friends. Being away from so many of them, phone calls are important. I need to know them again.

5. Be a good wife.
I need to make my husband feel special. He is a great husband and father. I don't thank him enough. Life has a way of going by so fast that we forget to live and I never want to let him not feel loved or special. We had a habit of leaving notes for each other before just saying sweet nothings to each other and somehow through our crazy schedules that has ceased so I want to start doing that again so that is a habit I plan to cultivate and grow.


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