Week 15 Breakdown

Today we had our 15 week appointment. I was so nervous for a couple of reason: 1. I am always terrified we won't be able to hear the heartbeat and I will have killed it. (I know, awful.) 2. I was meeting with a new doctor. (Little did I know, my former doctor moved so now this is my new doctor). 

The appointment was 30 minutes behind this morning so I was already going insane not having been seen yet. Then, I met my new doctor... she is nice and I like her so that was good. At this point, I still didn't know about my other doctor. We chatted for a moment and then she went to listen for the heartbeat. NOTHING and then NOTHING... and then my heart sank. It was hard to stay calm and not start crying. She was still cheery and then her face started to get more serious and she looked at me and said, "Let's go get an ultrasound." I started tearing up and right when she moved her hand on my belly, we heard the heartbeat. PRAISE THE GOOD LORD. I almost had a heart attack. The doctor was so excited she jumped back and took the device off me. Then she said, "do you want to hear it again?" and still having a slight panic attack I just said yes, pleaseeeee. We were all relived. Cody was sitting in the corner. I couldn't look at him or I knew I'd cry. He said he knew everything was ok, but the moment said changed her voice and said, let's go get a ultrasound, there's no way he didn't freak out on the inside. Whew. What a roller coaster. 

The Heartbeat was 150. 

How Far Along: 15 weeks and 5 days

Size of Baby: Apple

Gender: I've had a surprising number of people say it's a girl now. At first, everyone was saying it's a boy. I am so ready to find out. 

Movement: I haven't stopped long enough to notice the past few days. I feel like it every now and then, but I just keep telling myself, I'll know when it actually does happen. 

Weight Gain: 5lbs

Maternity Clothes: I have been majorly blessed this past week. The Director in my office that just had her 2nd child gave me all of her clothes. She said she wasn't having any more so to just take them! She had some great stuff including winter clothes so that will be a big help coming up. Then, my cousin in MS gave me a lot of stuff as well. It was just awesome. My mom also found me a nice pair of capris and shorts from JCP that are PERFECT. I seriously couldn't have found better pairs myself. 

Sleep Habits: On my side... and I'm happy to note that my mom has found me a pregnancy pillow and it's on its way! SO freaking  happy. I am already sleeping funny. 

Cravings/Aversions: Still no cravings... Well, I do really like the Peach Green Tea Lemonade from Starbucks right now. That is the only thing I really will have during the week besides water so it's a nice treat. 

Emotions: I was a little cranky this week. There have been lots of people at the house, I had a bad migraine last week and we made that quick trip to MS so I was stretched and that didn't help when I just wanted to lay on my couch and hear an empty house. (Even though John, Carissa and Angela think the Nest is haunted)

Symptoms: I had the one BIG migraine last week that put me down from 5pm to 9am the next day. It was rough. I haven't felt that bad in a long time. I also had a few dizzy spells. I got my blood pressure checked and it was higher than it normally is, but still in the normal range. 

Weddings rings on/off: On

What I Miss: Not being able to walk to my car without sweating and being out of breath. Seriously, I feel like I am so out of shape. I guess I need to up my walking. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: We find out if we are having a boy or girl on August 13!!! I am so excited! We also supposed to close on our house on August 15! It is going to be super busy, crazy week! We think we will have a gender reveal party on August 24 at our new house. 

Aunt Flo came to visit yesterday and she spent the night with us. Miss that girl so much! We took a few fun photos this morning before we headed off to the doctor. 


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