Week 14 Breakdown
How Far Along: 14 weeks and 2 days
Size of Baby: Lemon
Gender: Still not sure, but most of the basketball team (Clemson Lady Tigers) think it's a girl, except for a couple that are fighting for a boy.
Movement: There are moments that I think I feel something, but I guess it will be very obvious.
Weight Gain: Still only about 1-2lbs. A friend suggested I try water aerobics to help stay active. Sadly there isn't anything during the hours I could work out, but I'm going to try to start swimming more and see if that helps my body adjust to the growing.
Maternity Clothes: My mom found me some cheap dresses at Shirley's and sent them to me. I am still trying to wear my jeans and use the belly band if I need it. I wish I had "fat" jeans that were super comfy. I guess those are my sweat pants though.
Sleep Habits: Still pretty good unless I get hot. I am finding that I keep waking up on my right side which isn't normal, but good for the future. My friend, Jenn told me I need to invest in a pregnancy pillow. She said the odd shape is a life saver so I'm going to look into getting one of those.
Cravings/Aversions: I had BBQ last week and it was great... until I reheated it for dinner and then it took on a life of it's own and gave me the worst heartburn. So, lesson learned I suppose. I haven't been craving sweets like I really thought I would. I do crave fruit, but not fruit snacks or ice cream or anything like that. I'm super glad about though.
Emotions: Good. I had a couple of days off of work and it rained the whole July 4th weekend so I was stuck inside and that made me a little crazy, but not super emotional.
Symptoms: I do have more energy now even though I find myself still taking naps. My face has broken out a little, too. I've been eating lots of fiber so no constipation! (Glory!)
Weddings rings on/off: On, but as it gets hotter and I get bigger I can tell it won't last long.
What I Miss: We turned down going to a Mumford and Sons concert today b/c we want to save the money. I guess this is a sign of things to come. I can't say it's anything I miss, but things are a'changin'.