The most mortifying experience ever...

This past week we were in Mississippi for Thanksgiving with my family. It was fun to be home. We brought Norah with us so it was just a fun trip. My Mom, Aunts and Uncles cooked up a feast as usual... with plenty to spare.

oh, the temptation... 

Cody got to carve the turkeys!

Katy boo! 

Mom is sporting her new Clemson shirt I got her!

Us with sweet baby Norah

And with Pawpaw who does a great "surprise face"

We met up with Amy, Bryn, the boys and Mr. Jerry for dinner at Cotton Blues in Hattiesburg. It was awesome. If you haven't been, you should go! It is a little pricey but great for a special occasion. 

On Saturday, we were supposed to go home early, but decided to stay one more night. We headed to Meridian to go shopping. Here comes the mortifying part... While checking out at a store, the cashier greets us and then looks at us and says "oh, is this yall's first?" while looking at me... I WANTED TO DIE in that moment. If you didn't catch that she basically asked if I was pregnant. The worst thing you could ever say to a women... especially this one. I composed myself and simply said no. Then quickly made my way outside of the store to cry for a good 15 minutes. Thank God for a great husband that just held me and let me cry.

We had already discussed starting a new eating plan - "clean eating" and doing it when we got home. My friend, Jenn has been doing it for a few months now and looks great. I knew I didn't want to do another "diet" or take pills. I really want to eat healthy and be active. With my new job I have access to a gym so why not use it... AND Here's another mortifying moment, I asked a trainer here on campus to help make me a workout routine and somewhere in the middle of conversation, he mentions that he helped another coach lose weight after her pregnancy as well....TWICE IN 72 HOURS.... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?! So, needless to say I must make some changes...

What better way to start this change than with two people assuming you are pregnant?! So, this is the start of my journey. I will try to blog as much about it as I can, because I need to see the progress I've made and find encouragement in it.

If you haven't heard of clean eating, check it out. I'd also suggest watching Forks over Knives - it's a great documentary and super helpful.

I was tempted not to post about this experience and just talk about the new eating plan, but I really think I have to document it to make it real to me and to replay those moment for motivation. I never want to feel that feeling again.


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