Tuesday is for Lovers

My to-do list at work is finally dwindling down. I'm still finishing things that were on my Monday list. Whew.

My office currently smells like my lunch... grilled wings from Smitty's. I'm strangly ok with that. Speaking of meat... have you ever heard of meat sweats? I had the strangest conversation with two marketing guys last week about meat sweats. Bottom line, you eat a lot of meat and your sweat starts smelling like meat. I told them that's how I got my husband and the fact that he basically gets his college degree for free. I come with benefits and smell like bacon when I exercise. Sounds like a deal to me.

Ok, enough about that grossness. (I don't really smell like bacon or any meat, but I wasn't lying about the fact that my office smells like wings)

Look how sweet and simple these cakes are. It would be fun to make a small version of them for bridal or  baby shower.

I really need to go grocery shopping. I wish it didn't take me hours so I could just go on my lunch break. I really need to go buy some new mascara, hairspray and drain-o - (I have long hair, it gets in the drain... you get what I'm saying -  it's never good) I always felt bad for the maintenance workers at my college who had to unclog our shower drains... ok, why am I eve talking about this. Now, those thoughts and the smell of wings is totally grossing me out. Sorry, friends.

I really want this poster. I think it would be sweet above our bed.
via Etsy

I'll just leave you with that. I need to get off my lunch break and get back to that to-do list.
Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.


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