Guest Blogger: Love Notes from the Fickle Monster, Part 2

Three things have transformed my approach to diet, food, exercise, and general humanity.
They have been essential tools for my progress, and I will share them now.
The only charge: leave us a comment and share your own!

1. Honesty

Sometimes, I play chicken with food. That head on, face to face, stare down - daring, willing my opponent (usually something containing peanut butter, chocolate, and 200% of my daily fat intake) to move, hoping the move is a swift and into a trash can rather than into my mouth.

Do you ever find yourself in that situation? I've stared at many pieces of cake, cookies, brownies, hoping it would GET OUT OF MY WAY. Instead it just sits there on the party plate, a lazy lump of goodness. Why can't shitty food be good for me? Why can't a salad taste like a smore?

Boo! This is when honesty becomes supremely useful. Honesty encourages women (and men) to wear their rational caps even when he or she is whigging out about a funfetti cupcake topped with rainbow chips. Honesty helps when he or she steps on the scales and the dramatic decrease expected is more like a limp letdown. Honesty, take a teaspoon; it goes a long way.

Honesty tells us the truth.
Honesty reminds me that a chocolate peanut butter milkshake from Sonic is bad.
Honesty tells me when I don't fit in those pants anymore but challenges me to get back in them.
Honesty tells me "he's just not that into you" or when he is.
Honesty shouts, "Yes! You can do one more mile" or "No, you have runner's knee. Chill out!"

Honesty whispers, "You are not happy; quit pretending."

Ultimately, we must relentlessly listen to honesty and accept it in order for it to be productive in our lives. Be honest; you won't regret it.

2. Love

Pair honesty with love. As we all know, love lifts us up where we belong!

I tremble with humility and gratitude when I consider the great wonder of my creation and the love endowed to me through salvation. We are loved creatures. Start acting as such!

I have wasted life by ripping myself apart and refusing to love. I've realized I won't lose weight properly unless I love myself through it.

If you're like me, you will have to consider altering your motivation. I used to say, "Gag, I'm a hog. I need to lose weight because I am bulbous and out of control." Perhaps I didn't use those words exactly, but you understand where I am coming from. I would have been way more motivated if I had said, "Cora, you are lovely. Your weight doesn't determine your self but you are worthy of feeling free from food. Love yourself, and love what you are accomplishing." Better right?

And, as you meander through the plateaus and vallies and mountaintops, love yourself at each spot. Do not say, "I only lost one pound this week." Redirect the thought and rejoice for the pursuit, for the change, for the one pound, or for the burger. Don't motivate yourself by starving your soul of love.

Say it with me, "I can love myself. I rejoice in the creation and anticipate progression!"

3. A Kick Ass Playlist

Love and honesty are really lofty things which take time but nothing is stopping you from getting a killer playlist. I would not have been able to survive countless workouts without some good tunes. Find some musical motivation, folks
My current playlist contains:
"Like a G6" Far East Movement
"Firework" Katy Perry
"Mathematics" Mos Def
"Shark in the Water" VV Brown
"Grenade" Bruno Mars
"Marching On" One Republic
"Sweet Disposition" Temper Trap
and quite a few more

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and if you find yourself playing chicken with your food or the treadmill or your image, apply love, explore Honesty, and pump up the jams.
Choose change!

Cora Ruth Flottman is the best friend and college room8 of Sheila. She is an actress, teacher, christian, lover of the written word and men who can change the tires on a car.

She blogs here every Friday.
August 2007


Anonymous said…
a. I love this
b. it's beautifully written
c. I'm diggin the subtle use of profanity, Donald Miller would be proud
Sheila said…
In college we would always say... "what would donald miller do"
Amber said…
Cora I love this! I needed this today!

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