Fill in the Blank Friday

1. I am currently obsessed with the tv show, Greek! I love Cappie and Casey. Cody and I talk about them like we know them sometimes. I'm invested in their lives and it's pathetic!

 2. Today I am happy because it's Friday and beautiful outside. Tonight, we are going roller skating with some students before they leave for spring break! I'm so excited!

3. The age I am is 26 and the age I feel 23ish. This weather always brings me back to my college days,skipping class and laying in the grass with my friends. I love those memories.

4. My favorite place is Amy Fenton Jones' dads condo in Destin, Florida. I turned 21 there, got engaged there and had my honeymoon there. I love the condo, the beach, the memories. I want to be there every time I get the chance. (*hint hint, JGG)

5. Something I have been procrastinating is gosh, there are a lot of things.... getting my car wash, posting the photos of my MIL's quilts that I'm selling for her, cleaning my shower, going tanning... etc.

6. The last thing I purchased was I went to Old Navy last night and got Cody several pairs of jeans and pants and got me a new dress.

7. The thing I love most about my home is that my husband is there.


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