Major fail.

Tonight I cheated. Cody left the house and I sat here watching GREEK until I couldn't stand it anymore. I tried to call my Mom and not do it, but I did. Unfortunately, my cheat was wasted on a silly Nutri-grain bar. You'd think that was no big deal, but apparently my stomach doesn't agree. It's feeling really weird right now. Ek! Plus, it's not even close to being allowed on the diet.

I went through the fridge and the pantry trying to figure out what I could eat that would have the least amount of damage. I really wanted to eat chicken alfredo... SUPER BAD. Then I saw a Lean Cuisine Pizza... LOTS OF SODIUM. Then I found some blueberry poptarts.... OMG, do you know how many calories are in ONE tart? And then there it was hiding behind the other boxes.... strawberry whole grain nutri-grain bars.... so I ate it. I wonder if I'll gain tomorrow... scary. I should have blogged before I did it so I could talk about it and forget it.

A professor at the college is also on the diet and he said he would follow the diet as closely as possible but isn't going to make himself miserable over it. I think that's what threw me off.... but then again, following the diet is the miserable part.

I think I'm just stubborn and hate someone telling me what I can and can't eat. oh, meh.

You're the devil in disguise. 


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