One Mississippi, two Mississippi...
I had a great time in Mississippi this weekend. We got to eat at Dickey's - which my mom has been raving about and loving. Unfortunately, it fell a little flat for me. Cody and I eat BBQ a lot. We usually go out of our to eat it on occassions. I'm looking for perfect meat, he loves great sauces. Anyway, I digress...
We hung out with the DeLoach family on Friday night which is always a treat. They are so wonderful and love me like their own. They are always encouraging to anything I'm doing or going through. I'm glad they get to spend so much time with Cody too.
On Saturday, we took Cody to Shipley's b/c I was craving a donut from there. He ate three jelly filled. :) After that we went to the mall to find my Mom some sandals and some jewlery for a dress she just got. The Laurel mall is so strange.
We got to visit my Pawpaw that morning at the nursing home as well. It's great how he still has a sense of humor. Sometimes I can never tell if he's pulling my leg or just going crazy. I don't know if he knows how funny he is. When we left on Sunday, the man next to him told us to drive careful and my pawpaw replied with yeah, there's snow up there where they're going and then winked at Cody. ha. It's little things like that where he's messing with other people's minds that are funny. Like when one day, I asked him if he knew who everybody in the room was but when I got to me he said he didn't know, then he chuckled. ha. Love it.
I went to practice my wedding hair with a new friend, Tamara. She goes to Crosspointe Church - my home church and is best friends with my Matron of Honor, Amy. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about my hair. I thought I wanted it like this, but I look retarded with it up. I need to keep looking for ideas. Anyone got any?

This is what the back of my hair looked like after she finished. We couldn't get my hair to curl that day either. I'm going to have it dyed soon. I was trying to wait a few more weeks before I go. Hopefully that will make the curl stay.

I ate pork for almost every meal except when we went to Shipley's so needless to say, I put on a few pounds while I was home. I had been slack last week so the weekend didn't help my already poor efforts. I am back full force though. Veggies, fruits, green tea, oatmeal. We ran last night in intervals at the softball stadium across the street from my house. We ran the bases for a little bit but I got dizzy. ha. We ended up races in the parking lot. I felt like I was a kid again and with that thought my legs were going to come out from up under me. It was good though. I'm going to do more of the interval running. I have got to shed some pounds - which I did - lost 2lbs from yesterday so I'm hoping to shed more water weight and yuck out of me today.
We hung out with the DeLoach family on Friday night which is always a treat. They are so wonderful and love me like their own. They are always encouraging to anything I'm doing or going through. I'm glad they get to spend so much time with Cody too.
On Saturday, we took Cody to Shipley's b/c I was craving a donut from there. He ate three jelly filled. :) After that we went to the mall to find my Mom some sandals and some jewlery for a dress she just got. The Laurel mall is so strange.
We got to visit my Pawpaw that morning at the nursing home as well. It's great how he still has a sense of humor. Sometimes I can never tell if he's pulling my leg or just going crazy. I don't know if he knows how funny he is. When we left on Sunday, the man next to him told us to drive careful and my pawpaw replied with yeah, there's snow up there where they're going and then winked at Cody. ha. It's little things like that where he's messing with other people's minds that are funny. Like when one day, I asked him if he knew who everybody in the room was but when I got to me he said he didn't know, then he chuckled. ha. Love it.
I went to practice my wedding hair with a new friend, Tamara. She goes to Crosspointe Church - my home church and is best friends with my Matron of Honor, Amy. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about my hair. I thought I wanted it like this, but I look retarded with it up. I need to keep looking for ideas. Anyone got any?

This is what the back of my hair looked like after she finished. We couldn't get my hair to curl that day either. I'm going to have it dyed soon. I was trying to wait a few more weeks before I go. Hopefully that will make the curl stay.
My Aunt Pam threw us a wedding shower that afternoon. It was nice and awkward. I hate opening gifts in front of people. I don't really get excited about much so this was terrible. I do really appreciate everything I got and am so happy, I will have all these things when I actually learn to cook, but I'm just a little reserved when it comes to being excited about pots and pans. I hate that about myself too. I did really love the personalized gifts I got. Britt got me an awesome platter shapped like Mississippi, Dawn made me a super cute apron and Shauna made me a really neat wall cross. I loved the personalized towels too. I got a lot of Paula Dean cookware too that is pretty and I'm sure awesome to use. We aren't opening anything until we move so I'll let you know how it is to cook in it one day!

I ate pork for almost every meal except when we went to Shipley's so needless to say, I put on a few pounds while I was home. I had been slack last week so the weekend didn't help my already poor efforts. I am back full force though. Veggies, fruits, green tea, oatmeal. We ran last night in intervals at the softball stadium across the street from my house. We ran the bases for a little bit but I got dizzy. ha. We ended up races in the parking lot. I felt like I was a kid again and with that thought my legs were going to come out from up under me. It was good though. I'm going to do more of the interval running. I have got to shed some pounds - which I did - lost 2lbs from yesterday so I'm hoping to shed more water weight and yuck out of me today.
I'm also on day 3 of tanning and can already tell. woop! Being tan always makes me feel less fat. ha. I do not advocate tanning beds, but sometimes they are necessary when the only sun you see is out your office window.
anyhow. have a good week!