Week 16 Breakdown

How Far Along: 16 weeks and 4 days

Size of Baby: Avocado

Gender: We find out in 21 days (the 13th)!!! Well, we aren't actually going to find out until the 23rd. We have a special day planned to find out together not at the doctor's office.  I'm so freaking excited. More than anything I'm ready to see the baby again. 

Movement: Nothing yet... I lay in the bed a night and play calming music to get the baby used to falling asleep to those sounds and hope that I will feel something soon. 

Weight Gain: 5lbs

Maternity Clothes: I am loving all of my new clothes that I've received. It's made my mornings a lot easier. It's like having a whole new wardrobe. 

Sleep Habits: My pregnancy pillow came! It's a Bobby Total Custom Fit pillow. I am not using all of the sections together yet, but it's made sleeping a little easier. I want to sleep on my back, but I keep finding myself on my side which is great, but I hate my arms falling asleep. I haven't had a great nights sleep lately, but it seems to be more b/c of my sinuses. 

Cravings/Aversions: I've wanted ribs, arby's, red velvet cheesecake, lamb chops. I am kind of sick of Chickfila, Zaxby's, pizza of any kind, yogurt... it's a sad, sad day when I don't want Chickfila... WHAT BABY DOESN'T LOVE CHICKFILA????!?!? 

Emotions: I have had more mood swings lately I think. Not really bad, just more not wanting to be home alone. I think b/c of the headaches I've been having. I hate feeling bad and being alone at night while Cody is at work. 

Symptoms: Mild fever. Migraines. Sensitive sinuses. and to top it off, I think I'm developing TMJ, which sucks. 

Weddings rings on/off: On

What I Miss: Not having to eat something every few hours just to feel normal. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: Gender reveal, moving into the house, Jennifer and Chris's wedding and THIS.....


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