Fill in the Blank Friday

1.   The last thing I ate was an apple and peanut butter

2.   The last song I listened to was Charlie Mars - Meet Me By The Backdoor

3.  Using the letters in my name I can spell (Sheila) - She, Shea, He, Heal, Shia, lash, lie, hash, ash, ail, aisle, seal... um, anymore?

4.  If I had to dress in one color for the rest of my life I would pick Indian Teal - It's a good summer, spring or fall color

5.  If you were to look in my bag right now you’d find my wallet, my keys, hairbrush, makeup bag... that's it. It's pretty bare right now since I just switched purse.

6.  When I finish filling in the blanks I’m going to watch more episodes of The Tudors 
7. I am currently obsessed with blueberries, Tazo's organic green tea and chickfila nuggets

8. Today I am happy because it's Friday and beautiful outside.

9. The age I am is 28 and the age I feel 28... making lots of life decisions.

10. My favorite place is the beach... man, I would love a good beach trip right now before summer is over. 

11. Something I have been procrastinating is finishing reading the 3rd Percy Jackson book, unpacking the rest of the boxes since our move, washing clothes, etc. There are a lot more if you walked into my house you would see.

12. The last thing I purchased was a pizza for dinner last night with Emily.



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